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Ranking Common Discipline Strategies: Timeout, Reward Charts, Discussing Bad Behaviour, and More!

BratBusters Parenting Podcast Episode Forty-Five

Lisa’s ranking common discipline strategies in today’s episode of the podcast.

She begins by sharing her thoughts on timeouts, countdown, diversion, positive reinforcement, natural consequences, logical consequences, discussing bad behaviour and reward charts.

From there, Lisa shares her method of leadership parenting, how it’s different, and why she recommends it.

To end the episode Lisa answers listener questions covering topics like bullying, natural consequences for kids, toddlers knocking over the dog’s water bowl, acting out at nursery, siblings fighting, kids swearing, and lying.

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Bratbusters Parenting Podcast

Lisa Bunnage, Parenting Coach and Founder of BratBusters Parenting, is joined by her daughter who handles the marketing and planning at BratBusters Parenting, Amy Bunnage. The show dives into a variety of parenting topics and Lisa answers your parenting questions.