Free BratBusters Behaviour Board (Plus Toddler Basics)

How Can I Stop My Kid From Hitting?

BratBusters Parenting Podcast Episode Forty-Three

Are you dealing with your kid hitting you, others, or even items around the house?

In today’s podcast episode, Lisa explores what causes some kids to hit while others don’t along with parenting strategies to combat this behaviour.

Parenting questions on this topic include alternatives to timeouts when kids hit, toddlers hitting their parents, siblings hitting one another and tattling, and consequence options to use in the moment.

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Bratbusters Parenting Podcast

Lisa Bunnage, Parenting Coach and Founder of BratBusters Parenting, is joined by her daughter who handles the marketing and planning at BratBusters Parenting, Amy Bunnage. The show dives into a variety of parenting topics and Lisa answers your parenting questions.